
The Most Important Question

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The Most Important Question

Have you ever wondered what is the MOST important question that God will ever ask you? To the unsaved, He asks “Do you want to accept me as your personal Savior?” But what about to us, the believers? Do you know what God is asking you?

“I’m going fishing.” Do you know who said that and under what circumstances?

Let me share a true story that happened many many years ago. There was this man named Simon Peter, an experienced fisherman. He gave up fishing to follow this man called Jesus and became his disciple. But something happened and he gave up and went back to fishing.

A few nights ago, Peter, a great and fervent disciple of Christ turned his back on Jesus and denied Him thrice. He was expecting Jesus to set up an earthly kingdom here and Peter would be the right hand man. But what he saw was a crucification of Jesus. His hopes were dashed and his dreams shattered. He even remembered how he had failed Jesus by denying him. He was not worthy to be a disciple anymore. He was not worthy to serve anymore. So he went back to fishing.

But what happened that day changed his life forever. Peter and his brothers were fishing but they just couldn’t believe that they had not caught a SINGLE fish at all! They were experienced fishermen who knew where and how to catch fish and yet no fish at all. Then came a man who suggested to Peter to try cast the net over the right hand side of the boat. Peter could be thinking how would this man, a non-fisherman, even dare to teach him how to fish. Nevertheless, they tried and lo, and behold, they caught so many fishes and it was a miracle that the net was not broken.

Peter and his fellow fishermen knew that the man was none other than the Lord Jesus. Peter, being the impulsive one, as usual, just jumped into the water and swam to the shore where Jesus was. When he reached there, Peter remembered and was ashamed of his failures. He remembered that he was not worthy to be called a disciple and serve anymore. He was expecting Jesus to question him why he had denied him not once but thrice. He was expecting Jesus to ask why he had given up the faith. He was in fact expecting Jesus to scold him for being useless.

Then Jesus just asked him this question. The most important question that He would ask a believer, you and me.

“Do you love me more than these?” (John 21:15) “Do you love me more than these?”

After that day, Peter became a changed man. A man fired up for God. A man who was willing to give up his life for God.

Jesus is also asking you today this question. “Do you love me, even though you have failed me before?” “Do you love me, even though knowing there will be persecutions?” “Do you love me, even though people will despise and revile you?”

“Do you love me?”

That is all Jesus is asking you today, “Do you love me?”