GREETINGS PEOPLE!` tml is a public holiday... (letmme hear u scream...) diaox... anyway, i was thinking of organising a youth activity tml. haha. i know it's so last minute. apologies... erm... would u guys lyke to go ice-skating tml...?? it's INDOORS(escape frm rain)... and, FUJI ICE PALACE CLOSING SOON LAH. so sad... =( erm... i was thinking of meeting at 1pm at Jurong Entertainment Centre Macdonalds... well... hope u guys can go loh... erm.. pls msg or email or post me to confirm if u're going. if nobody go arh... then i cancel e activity. lolx... well... happy holidays.. please fwd this email to whoever is frm SBBC n interested... thank u!~ byex... take care.. =)