Hi People,
Just to inform you that we will be having an outdoor activity this coming Sun, 30th April, after church service, since the next day is a public holiday.
Come, come and join us, don't study too much, take a break with us.
Most prob will be at West Coast Park.
And if it rains, then we will have "outdoor" games in indoor, i.e. church building.
Your RSVP is strongly appreciated!! You can contact either me or Qinglong. Pls also help to spread the message. Qinglong will follow up with a mass e-mail. But nothing beats the individual sms or calling up. :)

Hey you guys,
How are you all? Just dropping a post to find out how all the past events have been? Cantata, then DVC, Easter, etc.
The students must be busy with school now yeah?
Well, I've been reading Psalms and came across this verse that touched me and was hoping to share:
"For thou hast delivered my soul from death: wilt not thou deliver my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living?" Psalms 56:13
Hope that all is well back home.
Till we meet again, eat some chicken rice for me!
Love always, becky
Please pray that the SBBC Cantata will be a time of blessing, and that people will come to know Him.
ps, I woke up with a sore throat today, please pray for me too. That I wouldn't start coughing vigorously on stage or go severely off-key, haha.
ps, I woke up with a sore throat today, please pray for me too. That I wouldn't start coughing vigorously on stage or go severely off-key, haha.
The Most Important Question
members have its privileges..
yes, you yinC people.
you get this 1st before anyone else does..
read and reflect..
The Most Important Question
Have you ever wondered what is the MOST important question that God will ever ask you? To the unsaved, He asks “Do you want to accept me as your personal Savior?” But what about to us, the believers? Do you know what God is asking you?
“I’m going fishing.” Do you know who said that and under what circumstances?
Let me share a true story that happened many many years ago. There was this man named Simon Peter, an experienced fisherman. He gave up fishing to follow this man called Jesus and became his disciple. But something happened and he gave up and went back to fishing.
A few nights ago, Peter, a great and fervent disciple of Christ turned his back on Jesus and denied Him thrice. He was expecting Jesus to set up an earthly kingdom here and Peter would be the right hand man. But what he saw was a crucification of Jesus. His hopes were dashed and his dreams shattered. He even remembered how he had failed Jesus by denying him. He was not worthy to be a disciple anymore. He was not worthy to serve anymore. So he went back to fishing.
But what happened that day changed his life forever. Peter and his brothers were fishing but they just couldn’t believe that they had not caught a SINGLE fish at all! They were experienced fishermen who knew where and how to catch fish and yet no fish at all. Then came a man who suggested to Peter to try cast the net over the right hand side of the boat. Peter could be thinking how would this man, a non-fisherman, even dare to teach him how to fish. Nevertheless, they tried and lo, and behold, they caught so many fishes and it was a miracle that the net was not broken.
Peter and his fellow fishermen knew that the man was none other than the Lord Jesus. Peter, being the impulsive one, as usual, just jumped into the water and swam to the shore where Jesus was. When he reached there, Peter remembered and was ashamed of his failures. He remembered that he was not worthy to be called a disciple and serve anymore. He was expecting Jesus to question him why he had denied him not once but thrice. He was expecting Jesus to ask why he had given up the faith. He was in fact expecting Jesus to scold him for being useless.
Then Jesus just asked him this question. The most important question that He would ask a believer, you and me.
“Do you love me more than these?” (John 21:15) “Do you love me more than these?”
After that day, Peter became a changed man. A man fired up for God. A man who was willing to give up his life for God.
Jesus is also asking you today this question. “Do you love me, even though you have failed me before?” “Do you love me, even though knowing there will be persecutions?” “Do you love me, even though people will despise and revile you?”
“Do you love me?”
That is all Jesus is asking you today, “Do you love me?”
yes, you yinC people.
you get this 1st before anyone else does..
read and reflect..
The Most Important Question
Have you ever wondered what is the MOST important question that God will ever ask you? To the unsaved, He asks “Do you want to accept me as your personal Savior?” But what about to us, the believers? Do you know what God is asking you?
“I’m going fishing.” Do you know who said that and under what circumstances?
Let me share a true story that happened many many years ago. There was this man named Simon Peter, an experienced fisherman. He gave up fishing to follow this man called Jesus and became his disciple. But something happened and he gave up and went back to fishing.
A few nights ago, Peter, a great and fervent disciple of Christ turned his back on Jesus and denied Him thrice. He was expecting Jesus to set up an earthly kingdom here and Peter would be the right hand man. But what he saw was a crucification of Jesus. His hopes were dashed and his dreams shattered. He even remembered how he had failed Jesus by denying him. He was not worthy to be a disciple anymore. He was not worthy to serve anymore. So he went back to fishing.
But what happened that day changed his life forever. Peter and his brothers were fishing but they just couldn’t believe that they had not caught a SINGLE fish at all! They were experienced fishermen who knew where and how to catch fish and yet no fish at all. Then came a man who suggested to Peter to try cast the net over the right hand side of the boat. Peter could be thinking how would this man, a non-fisherman, even dare to teach him how to fish. Nevertheless, they tried and lo, and behold, they caught so many fishes and it was a miracle that the net was not broken.
Peter and his fellow fishermen knew that the man was none other than the Lord Jesus. Peter, being the impulsive one, as usual, just jumped into the water and swam to the shore where Jesus was. When he reached there, Peter remembered and was ashamed of his failures. He remembered that he was not worthy to be called a disciple and serve anymore. He was expecting Jesus to question him why he had denied him not once but thrice. He was expecting Jesus to ask why he had given up the faith. He was in fact expecting Jesus to scold him for being useless.
Then Jesus just asked him this question. The most important question that He would ask a believer, you and me.
“Do you love me more than these?” (John 21:15) “Do you love me more than these?”
After that day, Peter became a changed man. A man fired up for God. A man who was willing to give up his life for God.
Jesus is also asking you today this question. “Do you love me, even though you have failed me before?” “Do you love me, even though knowing there will be persecutions?” “Do you love me, even though people will despise and revile you?”
“Do you love me?”
That is all Jesus is asking you today, “Do you love me?”
DVC Activity Update
for those who have signed up for the DVC activity.
thanks for your responses.
sign-up registration has closed.
we have about 20 people all together!!!
i will collect the money from you on our 1st meeting.
by the way, attendance for all 3 sessions are "compulsory".
this is to make sure you dont go away still confused.
things you can do to prepare yourself.
1) remember the dates and "chop" it on your diary, PDA, handphone, whatever.
2) go read the book as a break in between study and write down any questions you may have, then you can ask the questions to "tekan" the speakers.
3) dun get stressed by your exam preparations.
alright, that's all from me.
anything just email or sms me will do.
for those who have signed up for the DVC activity.
thanks for your responses.
sign-up registration has closed.
we have about 20 people all together!!!
i will collect the money from you on our 1st meeting.
by the way, attendance for all 3 sessions are "compulsory".
this is to make sure you dont go away still confused.
things you can do to prepare yourself.
1) remember the dates and "chop" it on your diary, PDA, handphone, whatever.
2) go read the book as a break in between study and write down any questions you may have, then you can ask the questions to "tekan" the speakers.
3) dun get stressed by your exam preparations.
alright, that's all from me.
anything just email or sms me will do.
Sign Up
Hi yinC people,
for those who haven't signed up for the DVC activity, you still have a chance to redeem yourself!!!
pls sign up with Qinglong at tonite's yinC session.
just give him your name, contact (hp/email/msn) and your parents' contacts.
money will collect later.
for those who still need flyers to give to your friends, pls get from Jamie.
sorry will not be around to make it for tonite as I still have my class.
but YEAH!!! my last Fri class..
so have fun tonite.
for those who haven't signed up for the DVC activity, you still have a chance to redeem yourself!!!
pls sign up with Qinglong at tonite's yinC session.
just give him your name, contact (hp/email/msn) and your parents' contacts.
money will collect later.
for those who still need flyers to give to your friends, pls get from Jamie.
sorry will not be around to make it for tonite as I still have my class.
but YEAH!!! my last Fri class..
so have fun tonite.
OooH Praise God
Thanks God that you have protect jay's friend from serious illness... yup... you are the best... hope to see jay and his friend soon... haha i still stuck in taiwan...
I also want to thanks God for keeping me save here in taiwan ... Earthquake struck my area... yup... i dont really feel it but my friends all felt the shake ...
see you guys soon ... i will be back on 14/04 hehe...
any present request?? haha
I also want to thanks God for keeping me save here in taiwan ... Earthquake struck my area... yup... i dont really feel it but my friends all felt the shake ...
see you guys soon ... i will be back on 14/04 hehe...
any present request?? haha
Prayer Request
Hello all!! This is Jay here. Mmmm just wanna make a prayer request for my classmate Joel, and share some thoughts and reflections.
OK, here goes. Joel was fine and happy till about 3 weeks ago, when he started having these intense headaches. He, initially, had to be sent home from school quite a few times. ( And no... He isn't the type who pon school. )
Yup, and he didn't go to school for about a week.
He later called to say that the doctors he had seen attributed the illness to brain tumour. Everyone was thoroughly shocked, including himself, of course. Like O_o... Everyone in class prayed for him, and all of us made prayer requests to our respective churches.
Praise God for his mercy and grace. ( God might like you better if you didn't pon school so much. (: )
He, after the terrible diagnosis, then went to see many other doctors and went for extensive MRI scans. It was later concluded that the really intense headaches were caused by a severe case of migraine. Now, his brain blood vessels are kind of close together, and might lead to complications like haemorrage and tumour, for real.
So it isn't really tumour, but could develop into one? Hmmmm... He still can't come to school, cos any bright light or noise could spark off another bout of headaches and migraine. It's so bad that he can actually get blinded during a relapse. Like a whiteout so bright he can't see a thing. He experienced this on the bus while coming to school, and had to go home himself (sending the other commuters into paranoia at the sight of him so sick and delirious as well).
Chinese sinseh says he's suffering from nerve problems in his shoulders as well. It's made worse by emotional problems; he's an introvert, rather shy and finds it difficult to express himself. Think he's riddled by these psychological problems than physical. Or both actually. :/
Therefore, I really thank all of you for praying for him (God works miracles!!) and please continue to do so as I try to bring him to church. (:
Some thoughts. Every cloud has a silver lining. And don't assume the worst in all things. Pray, trust in God that He will see you through in all the trials you face. Keep the faith. Remember the famous story of Job who kept faithful to God even though he was plagued with many problems and illness.
I'd like to thank you all once again for praying for Joel, hope we can all get him to church and yinC.
Last words. A line from a song:
"And we shall ever shine like stars, through trials of fire and strife"
Inspiring huh. And remember kids, there are people who can't go to school like Joel, and here you are ponning lessons. Be grateful for what you have, good or bad.
PS Sorry for making this so uber long. =P
OK, here goes. Joel was fine and happy till about 3 weeks ago, when he started having these intense headaches. He, initially, had to be sent home from school quite a few times. ( And no... He isn't the type who pon school. )
Yup, and he didn't go to school for about a week.
He later called to say that the doctors he had seen attributed the illness to brain tumour. Everyone was thoroughly shocked, including himself, of course. Like O_o... Everyone in class prayed for him, and all of us made prayer requests to our respective churches.
Praise God for his mercy and grace. ( God might like you better if you didn't pon school so much. (: )
He, after the terrible diagnosis, then went to see many other doctors and went for extensive MRI scans. It was later concluded that the really intense headaches were caused by a severe case of migraine. Now, his brain blood vessels are kind of close together, and might lead to complications like haemorrage and tumour, for real.
So it isn't really tumour, but could develop into one? Hmmmm... He still can't come to school, cos any bright light or noise could spark off another bout of headaches and migraine. It's so bad that he can actually get blinded during a relapse. Like a whiteout so bright he can't see a thing. He experienced this on the bus while coming to school, and had to go home himself (sending the other commuters into paranoia at the sight of him so sick and delirious as well).
Chinese sinseh says he's suffering from nerve problems in his shoulders as well. It's made worse by emotional problems; he's an introvert, rather shy and finds it difficult to express himself. Think he's riddled by these psychological problems than physical. Or both actually. :/
Therefore, I really thank all of you for praying for him (God works miracles!!) and please continue to do so as I try to bring him to church. (:
Some thoughts. Every cloud has a silver lining. And don't assume the worst in all things. Pray, trust in God that He will see you through in all the trials you face. Keep the faith. Remember the famous story of Job who kept faithful to God even though he was plagued with many problems and illness.
I'd like to thank you all once again for praying for Joel, hope we can all get him to church and yinC.
Last words. A line from a song:
"And we shall ever shine like stars, through trials of fire and strife"
Inspiring huh. And remember kids, there are people who can't go to school like Joel, and here you are ponning lessons. Be grateful for what you have, good or bad.
PS Sorry for making this so uber long. =P
DVC Activity Promo

Beneath That Smile:
A Christian Response to The Da Vinci Code
The Scriptures exhort us to be like the men of Issachar, and know our times. We are living in days that fiction can be substituted for truth.
"The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, to keep them from understanding the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." (2 Corinthians 4:4)
In May 2006, the movie "The Da Vinci Code" will take the world by storm. The movie trailer (already gaining hype on Channel 5) ends with these words: "It will rock the foundations of Christianity." We must ask ourselves one pertinent question: "What am I called to do as a Christian?"
Our Response
It is a wide open door for Christians to engage pre-believers to intelligently and objectively investigate the reliability, accuracy and foundations of the Christian faith! Join the movement!
YinC proudly present:
Join us for 3 sessions starting from 21st April discovering the truth!
Plus a movie outing to watch the DVC with fellow Christians.
All these just for $10 per person!!!
Sign up NOW!!!
For enquiries, pls. contact Bro. Yongfei at bluefreud@yahoo.com or 9046 4266 (mobile).
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